CHM To Exe lets you convert Microsoft HTML Help files (.chm) into secure and stand-alone applications (EXE files). With CHM To Exe, open CHM files, explore them, extract all source files and finally create HTML Executable projects in a snap. With CHM To Exe and HTML Executable (, you can:
- Open any HTML Help file (.chm), browse its contents, view its files and see its properties... without having first to decompile it to a folder.
- Generate ready-to-compile HTML Executable projects (.hep) with settings taken from the HTML Help file.
- Protect your HTML Help source files against decompilation, copying... once they are compiled in an executable program file
- Disable the "Show source" context menu command.
- Make user-attractive and customized executable files thanks to the features of HTML Executable: skin, menus, toolbars, windows... may be changed the way you like.
- Add your own menus and toolbar buttons to your compiled HTML executable files.
- Turn your HTML Help files into trialware with custom registration keys, online activation system, so you can sell them securely.
- Disable print, copy, select, print screen key commands on any topic you want.
- Keep the same Table of Contents (TOC) as in your HTML Help file, and/or include a powerful search engine.
- Display splash screens, custom message boxes.
- Expand the functionality of help files thanks to scripting with JavaScript and HEScript: write and read files, execute external or internal programs, read/write from/to registry... without having security restrictions.
- Distribute your executable files safely: digital signatures with Authenticode (certificates) are supported.
- Map IDs for pages are supported too and map files are automatically generated by the program in the language of your choice: thus your context-sensitive help files can still work with your applications.
Chm To Exe requires our HTML compiler HTML Executable in order to compile .exe files.

Keywords: chm, help, html help, microsoft, protect, sources, decompiler, extract, compiler, EXE, security, windows
