Kernel for Lotus Notes to Outlook is highly efficient and competent tool for performing NSF to PST conversion within minutes. All the email items in .NSF format, including contacts, journals, appointments, tasks, notes, attachments, images, etc. are easily migrated to .PST file and MS Exchange Server mailboxes. Lotus Notes conversion is recommended for those, who want to switch from Lotus Domino Server environment to MS Exchange Server environment and want to maintain the business continuity. Software supports Unicode character conversion and therefore, preserves original formatting after migration. Converted email items can be viewed in RTF or Text format. Lotus Notes to Outlook migration is fast tool that is capable of converting emails, contacts, journals etc. of unlimited Notes files at once. It creates a new .PST file which consist every Personal folder of NSF file in PST file. Software supports every version of Lotus Notes, MS Outlook, MS Exchange Server and Lotus Domino Server. Experience the working of NSF to PST conversion tool with FREE to download Evaluation version and save first 10 items of every folder existing in that NSF file. For complete saving of all converted mails, Full version needs to be purchased.

Keywords: lotus notes conversion, notes to outlook conversion, notes conversion, lotus notes to outlook, convert notes to outlook, export notes to outlook, export lotus notes to outlook

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