File Monster completely erases files from your system -- actually overwriting the information in the file so it can not be recovered. The reason information is still available when you delete files with normal deletion methods is because normal deletion methods only tell the operating system to not recognize the file as being present anymore, yet the information hasn't really been erased. As a result, anyone with a little knowledge of computers can very easily recover the information you thought was erased.
To take your privacy a step further, File Monster also overwrites the original file name with a randomly generated name and it changes the file's creation date. It can even erase pesky hidden files, system files, and read-only files.
Don't leave sensitive data on your computer: deleted files are the first place many computer savvy people will look when they are trying to discover sensitive information on your computer. Some important questions you have to consider:
# When you delete files is the information in those files something you want just anyone to have access to?
# When you leave your office at night, just who has access to your computer?
# Do you trust that neighbor that comes over to your house to use or fix your computer? How about your roommate?
# Do you trust the people you give your computer to when something needs installed or fixed?
Now maybe these people will just snoop around -- or maybe they'll take the information they collect for their own use or to use against you! Deleting files with File Monster, however, makes sure you don't have to worry about that.

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Keywords: File, Monster, files, folders, data, information, delete, erase, wipe, securely, security, secure, safe, del, mutilate, shred, shredder, erasure, eraser, private, privacy, sensitive, confidential, unerase, undelete, utility, tool, norton, secret

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File Monster


NorthStar Solutions, LLC     Other programs by NorthStar Solutions, LLC






$9.95 US

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Operating Systems:

Windows 98 Windows Me Windows NT 4 Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows 2003 Server Windows Vista

Release Status:

update (2016-03-28)

Recent Changes:

Updated graphics to enhance the presentation.

Supported Languages:


Additional Requirements:

2MB RAM, 1MB Hard Disk

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