Ultra Document to text can extract simple-text from pdf, doc, rtf, ppt, xls, htm, mht files. Ultra Document to text can extract simple-text from pdf, doc, rtf, ppt, xls, htm, mht files, it does NOT need Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Office software. It processes at very high speed and you can convert a lot of files once time
Support typical PDF format.
Convert PDF to text in batch mode.
Convert doc to text
Convert xls to text
Convert ppt to text
Convert rtf to text
Convert html, mht, htm to text
Standalone application without other dependencies like PDF readers or Office
Easy to use UI design. Support drag drop.
Support command line mode
Convert docx to text
Convert xlsx to text
Convert pptx to text
Support Office 2007 now!
Support xml to text

Keywords: Batch PDF to text, convert doc, ppt, html, mht and xls to text, docx, xlsx, pptx to text

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