Standard PDF Encryption with owner and user passwords used to be the only PDF protection. Unfortunately passwords do not stop somebody of passing the PDF document on to somebody else. Even worse is the fact that PDF passwords can be removed very easy. The owner password for example can be removed in a matter of seconds without even knowing the passwords.
The Aloaha PdfCrypter solves these PDF limitations and offers are complete DRM solution. Aloaha encrypts the PDF documents with the public key(s) of the user allowed to read/display the PDF document. As the resulting PDF document is PDF 1.5 compatible it can be read with the free Adobe Reader 6 or higher.
Certificate encrypted documents cannot be passed on to a third person ? thus making them the ideal solution for eBook distribution or secure sealing of documents.
The Aloaha FileCrypter encrypts any document with a list of public keys stored in the users address book or certicate store. These encrypted files can only be decrypted if the recipient has at least one valid private key of the recipient list installed in his windows certificate store.

Keywords: PDF crypter, pdfcrypter, file crypter, PGP, certificate, PKCS#7, encryption, pdf, seal, ebook, secure, smime

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