There are many types of Tiger Fish. Each of them has their own unique beauty. This aquarium screensaver offers you a small virtual school of Siamese Tiger Fish, which are also called Black Barred Tiger Fish, Yellow Dats, Gold Dats, or Datnoids. For many years the word Datnoid has been commonly used to describe this fish. Fish Description: The Tiger Fish is a very attractive species when young, being silvery white and bearing one thick black stripe running vertically through the eye, four more on the flanks, and then at least a couple more along the tail. Tiger Fish will quarrel and spar with each other and will eat any fish that can be swallowed, but Tiger Fish do not bother other species of fish that are too big to swallow. Tiger Fish grow fast to be 24" and sometimes larger and eventually require very large aquariums.

Keywords: screensaver, screen saver, fish, aquarium

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