Child Protector Pro is a great new software, designed to limit your children's access to the computer.
Because the children of nowadays are very familiar with computers, it's very hard to create a software that can oblige them to respect a timetable defined by the parents. There are many things that must have be in view, otherwise we can realize that your children find some tricky ways to dodge it.
We created a software for your silence, handling all the ways that your child can use to doge the timetable created by you. Some nice features are the following:
- timetable settings cannot be changed without entering the administrator password of the program
- it cannot be closed, deleted or uninstalled without entering the administrator password of the program
- doesn't allow to change the system date / time
- you can define 3 time intervals for each day of the week, when your child's access to the computer is forbidden
- you can save different profiles to files and reload them each time when you need to change the timetable according to different parts of the year, like vacations, holidays, exams and so on.
- you can set the way how the program have to respond when your child is trying to use the computer in a forbidden time interval. You have 3 choices: turn off, hibernate or log off.
- you have the possibility to disable the protection, if you have activated it mistakenly, because before the program proceed, there are 20 seconds to enter your password and disable it.

Keywords: Child Protector Pro, protection, computer, child, children, turn off
