Web chat program enables visitors of your site to connect with company representatives in real time regarding their queries about the product. Live help software enables support staff to send instant answer to customers queries by sending pre written or canned messages. Web based online chat service can transfer chat session from one support staff to other in case customer needs any additional support regarding company product. Live chat software makes sound and visual alert notification to company representatives whenever visitor request for chat. Chat transcript can be mail to email address defined by the visitors which can be latterly viewed by the customer. Online web support service facilitates customer support executives to ban IP address of unwanted website visitors who are unnecessarily interrupting and wasting operator time. Help desk live chat software enables visitors to leave offline messages when staffs are out of service or not available for live assistance which can be latterly viewed by the company executives. Website live chat program is useful for all online based business like Travel, Insurance, Real state, E-commerce etc.
Features of Live web chat software:
* Sends offline messages in case company executives are out of service or not available for live assistance.
* Software builds online communication between company representative and website visitor.
* Allows company executives to answer all the Visitors queries regarding company services.
* Software works on any windows operating system including Windows 98, 2000, 2003, ME, NT, XP and Vista.
* Facilitate executives to view what visitor typing even before they send it.
* Sends visual and sound alert to notify operator that visitor is online for chatting.
* Block IP address of unwanted website visitors.

Keywords: Download, live, chat, software, website, online, web, program, communicate, offline, message, visual, voice, alert, block, address, company, representative, customer, service, operator, answer, complex, queries, product, business, services

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