If you have ever tested software manually, you are aware of its drawbacks. Manual testing is time-consuming and can be rather monotonous, requiring a heavy investment in human resources. Worst of all, time constraints often make it impossible to manually test every feature thoroughly before the software is released. This leaves you wondering whether serious bugs have gone undetected.
Automated testing with ComfortTester addresses these problems by dramatically speeding up the testing process. As ComfortTester runs macro's, it simulates a human user by entering keyboard input and clicking the mouse - but ComfortTester does this much faster than any human user. When running the macro scripts that you can create with ComfortTester, keyboard input and mouse clicks will be simulated in order to check all aspects of your application. You can run the macro's on each new build in order to save huge amounts of time!

Keywords: Automated testing, Testing tool, Tool for automated testing

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