Point & Figure Charts software is an interactive stock analysis tool. It can create various technical indicator charts to help users identify buy-and-sell signals. It takes market stock data from Yahoo,Opentick and data in MetaStock format. It is packaged with a free downloader to download stock data from the Internet.
The Premier Feature:
Point & Figure Chart is implemented with classic scale ad custom scale. With one click users will get Point & Figure chart with various technical indicators.
Key Features:
Candlestick, Three Line Break (TLB), KAGI, MACD, stochastic oscillator and Bollinger Band & Envelope.
Most frequently used, powerful moving averages:
* SMA : Simple Moving Average
* EMA : Exponential Moving Average
* WMA : Weighted Moving Average
* TMA : Triangular moving Average
* HMA : Hull Moving Average (new !)
* TEMA : Triple Exponential Moving average
* LMA : Linear Moving Average
* MMA : Modified Moving Average
All these moving averages can be calculated on close, open, high, low prices and volume that users can specify in any period . These moving averages can be added on Candlestick chart to identify potential buy-and-sell signals. For the individuals who like Bollinger Band & Envelope, all these moving averages can be added on it too.
In addition to the above features, it is also built with popular stochastic indicators. Users can specify %K period, %K slowing period, %D period. With this feature users can study stochastic indicators on any stock price and identify potential buy-and-sell indicators.
Another built-in stock indicator is MACD (moving average convergence/divergence). Users can specify any valid, long period, short period, signal period.
More details can be found on http://www.numeraltechnology.com

Keywords: Point and Figure Charts, HMA, SMA, EMA, MACD, Stochastic Oscillator, TLB, KAGI, technical analysis, charting, indicators, stocks, point and figure, charting software, point & figure, candlestick, p & f, moving averages, p & f Charts, chart component

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