Accounting software (Enterprise Edition) with barcode feature maintains (company, customer and vender) account, (production, stock and tax) records and generates report like sales and purchase. Automated billing application with barcode feature reduced complexity of business organizations by easily fetching data without extra efforts. Barcode accounting tool provides facility to create, modify, and delete multiple user accounting records including administrator. Financial accounting software provides facility to view balance sheet, trial balance and profit/loss report to analyze total business transaction and net profit or loss earned by company. Inventory management utility facilitates to generate various business reports sale, purchase, production report and provides options to save generated report in PDF or Excel format at user specified location. Barcode accounting software supports different types of barcode fonts including Codabar, Interleaved 25, UCC128, Postnet and Planet, Code 93 to generate and access colorful barcode to quickly scan and stored data uniquely. Inventory management tool is completely password protected tool only administrator can freeze data to prevent unauthorized users. Cost effective and time saving advanced billing tool with barcode feature supports all windows operating system and provides interactive GUI wizard so that technical and non technical user easily operate this software.
* Accounting software manage transaction records of small and middle size organization including billing records, profit/loss details, tax type records and voucher entries.
* Software facilitates user to view the transaction records by customer wise, item code wise, date wise and amount wise.
* Barcode accounting tool provides user and administrator setting for individually maintains business accounting details.
* Financial utility generates various reports to view all business transaction and save them in PDF file format for future use.

Keywords: Barcode, accounting, software, manage, balance sheet, trial balance, financial, inventory, tool, ledger, cash book, journal, production, book-keeping, report, expense, income, profit, loss, sale, purchase, invoice, records, stock, transaction, tax

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