Japplis Website Optimizer Lite Optimize your web pages.
Using several techniques, it can reduce the size of your HTML pages by more than 50 %.
This will not only make your website faster but also save bandwidth.
Japplis Website Optimizer Lite can also add the height, width and alt attribute to the images if missing.
It can also generate a .htaccess file to handle the compressed files correctly by the website Apache server.
Japplis Website Optimizer Lite runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, OS/2, ...
You can run it online at http://website-optimizer.com/lite/runonline.html
Japplis Website Optimizer Lite is based on Japplis Website Optimizer, a shareware which contains more advanced features such as optimization of JavaScript and CSS.
Japplis Website Optimizer Lite is Freeware.

Keywords: website, optimizer, optimization, html, web pages, compression, freeware, free

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