PerfectIt helps you to locate typos and errors in Word documents. It finds mistakes that spelling and grammar checks can't see which makes proofreading faster and helps you to impress even the toughest client. PerfectIt is especially useful where more than one person is working on a document and lawyers, consultants, editors, marketers and publications officers use PerfectIt to save time and deliver error-free documents. PerfectIt checks for:
- Consistent hyphenation and capitalisation
- List/bullet capitalisation and punctuation
- Common typos
- Abbreviation definitions
- Capitalisation of headings
It can also generate a table of abbreviations, find comments accidentally left in documents and check the labelling of figures and tables. PerfectIt is completely customisable and can learn your preferences. Use it to enforce the rules of your house style and to ensure that documents across your organisation are consistent with your brand guidelines. PerfectIt does not require any templates, forms or markers. You write your way and click it when you're ready to proofread.

Keywords: Word add-ins, house style checker, grammar checker, report checker, article checker, contract checker, consistency checker
