AbelCam gets your webcam running in one minute
Web Cam server for any windows capture device.
Web Server to deliver any content to the web,
Web 2.0, Java and SilverLight sample site included.
Can be integrated into existing website easily.
Tilt/Pan/Zoom with Logitech Sphere, Orbit MP and AF, Creative Live! Motion,
Typhoon Motion Cam and TrackerPod: use AbelCam to control your camera remotely.
Zoom support for more than 2500 windows capture devices.
TV tuner support - change channels form anyhwere.
IP cameras (JPEG and Motion JPEG) supported.
IP Pan Tilt Cameras supported.
Presets for Pan Tilt
Windows Media Server to deliver WMV content (video and audio).
Configurable caption text with optional time and date display and
Image overlay with transparency support
Plugins available for X10 and K8055 (USB IO interface)
you may write your own Plugins to integrate your requirements into AbelCam
FTP Upload: detected motion or current snapshot in intervals, with or without caption
Local Save: store detected motion or snapshots on your computer, with or without caption, as images or video
Use the motion detection to have your PTZ device follow motion automatically
PHP support - serve PHP code from your home or office
Execute commands as a CGI - execute any script or command line input from the internet
Server Side Includes simplifies web site creation. Write html code once and use it on many pages.
GeoIP: see where your visitors are located
Standard Log File, use any log analyzer available to see what is going on your server
Chat: zero configuration chat module with Java chat client
Authentication - you decide who can see what
May run as Service on all supported OSs
Web Administration Interface: control your server from anywhere
Video recording( WMV or AVI videos) - record real time videos or detected motion

Keywords: web cam, logitech, orbit, sphere, windows, tilt, pan, zoom, web server, video streaming, motion detection

Click to enlarge
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