Using the set of Perfect Doctor Icons, it is possible to develop professional-looking applications for hospitals, medical and health care specialists. The comprehensive set contains icons depicting various medical objects including ampoule, syringe, ointment, thermometer and many more. There are also a number of icons representing healthcare positions such as doctor, nurse, dentist, cardiologist, and patient.
The readily available Perfect Doctor Icons will enhance the appearance of any healthcare application or medically related software. The images are immediately available in various states, sizes, resolutions, color depths and file formats, and can be used to design websites, software, and database applications. The set contains icons representing numerous objects, symbols, social roles and professions such as first aid box, blood donor, optometrist, insurance agent, receptionist, band aid, cotton roll, stethoscope, tweezers, DNA, pills, stretcher, funnel, and many more.
Hospitals, test labs and offices of healthcare professionals all have different equipment and varying software requirements. Whether they use UNIX, Mac or Windows PC systems, Perfect Doctor Icons are readily available. The set comes in a variety of formats. Each icon is available as a Windows Icon (ICO), Bitmap (BMP), GIF, and PNG file.
Various sizes and resolutions, different color depths and styles of the graphics are often used in the same or different projects. Perfect Doctor Icons are available in sizes of 16x16, 20x20, 24x24, 32x32, and 48x48 pixels, and come in 256 colors and 32-bit True Color (16.7 million colors with transparency). Each icon from the medical set comes in three states: normal, highlighted and disabled. Full-size previews of Perfect Doctor Icons are available on the Toolbar Icons website.
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Keywords: icon, interface, set, Vista, creative, images, iconic, medical, doctor, medical software, perfect

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