PROMT Translation agent (PTA) is free online translation tool easily installed on any PC to provide instant translation for seven European languages - English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian and Russian.
PTA widget ensures quick and high-quality automated translation of any texts, taped or pasted. PTA is an easy-to-use application: user should simply insert the source text at the upper window of 2-windows PTA interface and choose translation direction. Within several seconds translation appears in the lower window of the widget. In order to get better consistency of translation, user can also apply one of the specialized dictionaries available in PTA widget.
PTA also enables instant translation of copied content of various documents using special hotkey combination.
Thus, free PTA widget makes it easier to communicate over the Internet and makes web-browsing truly multilingual. Any PTA user can instantly get the information at 7 most popular European languages translating texts, web sites, chats, social networks, blogs, and forums.

Keywords: Translator, translation tool, translation, translation software, translation dictionary, dictionary, languages, dictionaries, online translation tool

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