JOC Web Finder (JWF) is a fast and efficient tool to search information
on the web.
- Enter any word, text or question, click a button and JWF will check
all configured search engines, finding web pages related to the text
entered. Results are returned almost instantaneously and can be
clicked immediately to view in a Web browser.
- JWF saves you counteless time by searching all the engines simultaneously and
automatically browsing page after page.
- JWF can remove duplicates and filter unrelated results in many ways.
Also supports boolean operators.
- Results can be stored in project files for later use, offline
searching or sharing with others. Also can export results to HTML or
Text format.
- JWF also features an history of your project files, making sure that
the information found in the Internet is organized and available.
Fast, compact and easy to use. A must for every Internet user.

Keywords: Search, find, search engines, webfinder, search web pages, find web pages, your personal search engine

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