NoteTab Light is the ultimate free Notepad replacement and a capable HTML editor. A slimmer version of the award-winning NoteTab Pro, this slick application makes text editing a breeze. Move quickly around a stack of large files with a simple tabbed interface. Format your text to your heart's content. Write with the font of your choice, fixed-width or proportional.
If you need to cut and paste chunks from a pile of files, forget the Clipboard: you can set up a Paste Board file to save text clips automatically. Strip HTML tags from your files. Call up complete document statistics instantly. Use powerful, system-wide search and replace tools.
Speed up your work with text macros: you can use them as shortcuts, or even to auto-replace those persistent typos. Handy sample macro libraries are supplied, and you can easily build your own. Make the most of NoteTab's many options to suit your own workstyle.
There's more, much more, in this package -- try the finest piece of freeware available today!

Keywords: text, html, editor, text editor, html editor, notepad, notetab, free, freeware, web, tabs, autocorrect, search and replace, programmable, regexp, perl, gawk, scripts, mac, unix

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