Standard Toolbar Icons is a new collection of attractive and eye-catching icons for toolbars and menus, representing all basic operations required for surfing the internet or using various applications. The collection includes such popular icons for multipurpose use as cut, save, paste, save file, upload, 3d bar chart, OK, no entry, dollar, accept and many others.
Toolbar icons create the first impression of any website and software application. As an icon is the first symbol a user sees visiting a site or clicking a button to start an application, choosing the right symbol and design for an icon is crucial in creating an individual image and delivering the idea and purpose of your website or software. Effective high-quality icons from Standard Toolbar Icons collection can make any website looking more attractive, original and enhance software functionality as well. This set of up-to-date artistic icons allows to design a toolbar or menu in the same style. The icons repeat the same colors, and are drawn using the same line thickness, sharpness, edge forms and fonts. All this makes Standard Toolbar Icons collection a valuable addition to any kind of toolbar, panel or menu.
Standard Toolbar Icons feature high-quality graphics and come in all popular sizes: 256x256, 64x64, 48x48, 40x40, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16, so they can be used for creation of original program interfaces, toolbars, panels and menus. All icons from Standard Toolbar Collection are available for viewing and downloading and can be purchased online individually or in complete sets.
Aha-Soft plans to release the next icon packs also: Flag Desktop Icons, Aero Desktop Icons, Web Desktop Icons, Office Desktop Icons, Weather Desktop Icons, Computer Desktop Icons, Folder Desktop Icons, Software Desktop Icons, Design Desktop Icons, Application Desktop Icons.

Keywords: professional icons, software icons, web icons, xp icons, windows vista icons, windows icons, vector icons, vector art, application icons, java icons, video icons, business icons

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