Quick MP3 WAV Converter
Do you want to Convert audio files between MP3 and WAV formats? Quick MP3 WAV Converter is the best choice for you. It can Convert MP3 to WAV, WAV to MP3, even MP3 to MP3, WAV to WAV to change audio file's frequency, channel, bit rate, quality and so on. It can Convert MP3 WAV files in batches with high speed. And it has a build-in MP3 WAV audio player. The program has an user-friendly interface, which helps you Convert audio files quickly and easily. Quick MP3 WAV Converter works on any Windows platform.
-- Convert MP3 to WAV and WAV to MP3; Convert MP3 to MP3, WAV to WAV to change frequency, channel, bit rate, quality etc.
-- Convert MP3, WAV audio files in batches with high speed and best quality.
-- Supported WAV formats: Microsoft PCM, Microsoft ADPCM, DSP Group TrueSpeech, GSM.
-- Using MP3 Lame Encoder; CBR, ABR, VBR encoding modes available. Presets MP3 formats.
-- Build-in MP3, WAV audio files player.
-- Supports auto rename, skip, or overwrite options for existing file.
-- Easy to use and user friendly.

Keywords: mp3 to wav, mp3 wav converter, convert mp3, video files, dvd, quick, editor, edit, mpeg, avi, converter, splitter, joiner, movie, video, goldzsoft, pcsoftware1
