OESort sorts the Outlook Express Contacts pane (bottom left in Outlook Express window) names in various formats like Lastname, Firstname etc., including Middlenames or nameless entries, configures appearance of Groups, A-Z/Z-A order etc. By default Outlook Express sorts Firstname Lastname in the bottom left pane, regardless of configured sortorder in adressbook, which does not make much sense. Applies updates to names in Contacts in parallel running Outlook Express.

Keywords: Outlook Express, Contacts, Pane, Sorting, Contact, Kontakte, Kontakt, Nachname, Vorname, Name, sortiert, sortieren, order, last, lastname, first, aufsteigend, absteigend, alphabetisch, Groups, Group, Gruppe, Gruppe, Sortierung, Adressen, Adresse, address, adress, Namen

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