Employ Oulook as Hotline/Helpdesk-solution for customer e-mails directed at Office assistants + registries. You'll receive a preset folder structure with the usual questions that occur in customer e-mails Office assistants + registries, accompanied by ideas for text modules that usually can be sorted into this helpdesk areas. This Plugin helps you at the storing of the text modules for Secretary topics for your helpdesk. All templates for the phrases already have bilingual headlines + were assigned small icons for convenient browsing. This structure will be used directly in Oulook with the cool program Reply-Butler, so that all text modules so that all text modules can be found easily. The Secretary text modules are compatible to a multiuser system so that via a local network several supporters share the identical text modules and possess the same text modules. Try it now!

Keywords: Microsoft Outlook, Helpdesk, Text modules, Secretary textmodules, e-mail support, customer support, Helpdesk software

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