Try MS Outlook as convenient Hotline/Helpdesk-solution for customer enquiry at Hotel + B-and-B. You'll get a specified structure with the most common headlines which occur in customer enquiry Hotel + B-and-B, together with tips for boilerplates that normally can be sorted into these Outlook helpdesk categories. The additional software supports you when you at the using + creation of the Hotel text modules for your helpdesk. All Hotel text modules allow a multiuser environment so that via a local network several helpdesk workers share the same boilerplates and have the identical boilerplates. All templates for text modules already have headlines in 2 languages + were tagged with icons to find them easily. This menu organization is automatically used in MS Outlook with the help of the program ReplyButler, and the text modules and the text modules can get accessed at express speed.

Keywords: Microsoft Outlook, Helpdesk, Text modules, Hotel textmodules, e-mail support, customer support, Helpdesk software

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