Coach Tarot is a ?learn and test? educational tool for learning the meanings of the cards in the Rider Waite Deck used in tarot card readings. This flashcard software is a convenient tool for novices. Ever since ancient times, Tarot cards have been used for fortune telling purposes and are very popular resources used in the esoteric world. Experts use this divination tool to read for people and help them solve the problems that they face as well as find solutions for their various issues. Coach Tarot is the perfect beginner?s tool to understand the nuances of tarot reading in a simple way. Thus it also helps you to explore your psychic skills and understand your intuitive capabilities. Convenient pluses such as a Goal Reminder helps you keep track of your goals in life that need to be achieved. Coach Tarot is fully compatible with all versions of Windows OS.

Keywords: learn tarot, tarot learn, Coach Tarot, learn read tarot, card learn read tarot, learn to read tarot card, tarot card software, learn tarot software, free tarot software, free tarot learn software, free tarot, meaning tarot, deck rider tarot waite

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