Do you want to read webmail only mail systems such as Hotmail, MSN, Windows Live Mail, AOL, Yahoo on your mobile device such as a Blackberry. GetMail will help by forwarding your email to a standard POP3 account that most mobile devices support.
Featuring built in support for Hotmail, MSN, Windows Live Mail accounts with WebDAV access. Other email accounts such as free Hotmail, Windows Live Mail, Yahoo Mail and AOL accounts can be forwarded by combining GetMail with a free POP3 proxy program such as YPOPS or FreePOPS. GetMail supports POP3 accounts so you can forward on the mail of email accounts that use this protocol such as most ISP based email and GMail.

Keywords: Hotmail, MSN, Windows Live Mail, GMail, POP3, email, mail, forwarding, forward

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