Color separation without detour via PDF - not only from MS Office (.doc, .ppt, .xls)
On the - so far conventional - workflow via PostScript/PDF very often there are problems with color, missing fonts and pixelation.
Amongst other reasons, that is because on the way via PostScript/PDF the native document format (like .ppt or .doc) at first is merely translated into an other script language (PostScript or PDF, respectively), but is being rastered just later on an other device.
On many documents this temporary translation into PostScript/PDF results in translation losses, just like on a text, which for example is not being translated from Spanish into English directly, but at first to Chinese and only after that from Chinese into English.
The new EXTIF pro relieves you from these burdens. EXTIF pro is a Software RIP, which directly docks the Windows graphics engine, and stores the graphical data of the original document DIRECTLY rastered and color-separated as CMYK TIFF file. In this way, you will easily obtain exposure-ready image data from all your PC-applications, the result being a perfect reflection of the original.
Within the architecture of Windows operating systems, as a printer driver EXTIF pro belongs to the same class as screen drivers do, i.e. EXTIF pro does exactly the same as your screen driver does, as well, when displaying for instance a PowerPoint document on the screen. So to speak, EXTIF pro provides a screenshot of the entire document at the desired resolution, this way ensuring that in the end, on the printed paper, you get exactly what you saw on the screen before.
*suppresses Pixelation on raster-graphic objects by Interpolation
*smoothes outlines of vector-graphic objects by Anti-Aliasing
*offers all standard CMYK color profiles
*user-defined RGB + CMYK profiles
*up to 4800 dpi
*up to A0 Extra
*crop marks, register crosses, color wedges
*extracts neutral grey into K-channel
*solves the "Trimming problem" by overlap

Keywords: Software RIP, color separation, colour separation, colour profile, CMYK color profile, Raster Image Processor, pixelation, crop marks, print workflow, A4 Extra, LZW, neutral gray, Prepress, Repro, exposure, digital printing, missing fonts

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