Exposure Magic ver 2.1
Exposure Magic software combines various images, each of which have different areas well exposed, to create a single Montage composite perfect exposure image.
Various microscope or digital camera images, each taken with a different exposure setting can be combined (or stacked) into one perfectly exposed picture. Each image, with a different portion over or under exposed, is used to perfect the exposure for the composite image. Sophisticated algorithms are used to make the best exposure image possible. You can save, edit or directly print the image that you have created.
No new hardware is needed, as this software combines images you have already taken with your existing equipment. It is compatible with all cameras and optical or digital microscopes which can create digital images.
All features are user controllable, so that you get the maximum enhancement with a wide variety of different images. In 'auto' mode, these features are automatically optimized. This is why Exposure Magic is recognized as the best value available.
A free demonstration version is available for download. For problems, questions, or to purchase the full commercial version, contact Special K Software at www.specialksoftware.com/exposuremagic or email gmckay@specialksoftware.com

Keywords: image, exposure, over, under, overexpose, underexpose, focus, montage, microscope, microscopy, combine, enhance, convolute, picture, photo, photography, fuzzy, composite
