The Easy Hours Scheduler saves you scheduling headaches and time by letting you simply specify your daily staffing needs and then assign them to up to 25 people by inserting a number in the start time column. You can assign up to 3 groups of hours (shifts) to each person and the program keeps track of your staffing requirements for 3 different groups of employees. Bar graphs keep you informed of your scheduling progress each hour of the week and show the hours each person is scheduled to work. Up to 10 vacation periods for each employee can be entered in the vacation table and you are prevented from assigning hours to employees who are on vacation.
This is a great scheduler for applications where your hourly staffing requirements fluctuate throughout the day and you need to assign shifts in an irregular fashion. It is also great for situations where your staffing requirements are rather constant, but you would like to think in terms of a person?s hours instead of shifts. The multiple daily shifts feature is very handy for businesses where people work a few hours in the morning and then a few more hours later in the day. The flexible scheduling is also great for scheduling people (like students) whose availability can change from day-to-day or change on short notice.
Outputs include individual and team schedules, an employee hours summary and a file that you can import into your Outlook Calendar, PDA or Smart Phone so your schedules will always be available for easy reference.
The Excel spreadsheets are available in sizes to schedule 25, 50 and 100 employees and can be downloaded from our website and used on a free trial basis for evaluation. Other easy-to-use spreadsheets to schedule your people to daily tasks or daily shifts are also available.
Spreadsheets for other scheduling applications are available at the website.

Keywords: Easy Shift Scheduling, Easily Assign Work Hours, Shift Schedules

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