Sight Words (often called the Dolch Word List) are some of the most frequently used words in the English language. Even though they number only about 200, Sight Words comprise approximately 50 to 70 percent of general, non-technical reading material. Therefore, teaching Sight Words as early as possible is considered a crucial part of elementary education. Moreover, repetition and practice are essential in making the recognition of Sight Words automatic.
Sight Words Buddy is designed to provide children with easy and fun Sight Words exercises. When the exercise starts, the student will hear one of the Sight Words. The student?s task is to click on the written representation of the word. If the student wishes to repeat the word, he or she can do so by clicking on the ?speaker? picture. Both visual and auditory feedback are provided to indicate whether the response is correct. After the student provides the correct answer, the exercise moves to the next word. To assist in evaluating student?s performance, the results chart shows the number of right and wrong answers as well as the percentage of correct answers for each word.
- Sight Words drills for Pre-Primer, Primer, First Grade, Second Grade and Third Grade levels
- A high-quality sound for each word
- Colorful skins
- Results chart
- Free for personal use

Keywords: Sight Words, Dolch Word List, early learning, reading, literacy, free educational quizzes, education, children, school, kids

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