Create A Quiz is a "computer assisted learning" software program that allows teachers, educators, parents and businesses to easily generate their own on-screen interactive quizzes, exams, surveys and questionnaires. Create A Quiz supports multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank style tests.  The quizzes and tests that you create can also be printed out for conventional paper and pencil tests. This software features: + Both multiple-choice and fill-in-the blank questions can be used in the same quiz or exam. + Quizzes can be printed out in several formats to meet the needs of both teacher and student. The solutions to each question can be suppressed or displayed on a printout. Teachers can review their database of questions by printing out all the questions or by defining a range (from # to #) to print. + Very customizable.  Create A Quiz provides many configuration options allow the program to be customized by a teacher to meet the needs of a student. As an example, the teacher can force a student to answer "x" number of questions before they are permitted to exit the program.  Or the teacher can set up a time limit for the student where after "x" number of minutes have elapsed the program will quit.  Dozens of additional configuration options are available. + Progress charts are kept for each quiz that will record the students' quiz results. This is an excellent way for a teacher to track the progress of a student. A separate progress chart is maintained for each quiz created. + Detailed log files can also be obtained which shows each question displayed to the student and the student's response. + Display ASCII text files or Windows help (.HLP) files in conjunction with each question. + Display graphic images (.BMP format) in conjunction with each question. + Add WAV sound files and AVI multimedia files to your quizzes.  Each question in your quiz database can have a sound file, a bitmap image or animation linked to it.

Keywords: quiz, survey, test, tests, teacher, student, school, education, learning, online, quizzes

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