Cover Expert is a professional solution with a user-friendly interface for creating high-quality virtual covers, box and ebook shots for your products contributing to their promotion and sales on the Internet. Saving you time, Cover Expert allows you to achieve the desired final result in a few mouse clicks. A powerful graphics engine, any complex scenes that you like, a large number of supported image formats ? all that will allow you to make your creative ideas come true without limiting your imagination.
Main features:
- dynamically creating complex scenes consisting of several objects (Box + CD, DVD + DVD Box etc.);
- a powerful graphics engine supporting the reflection and half-transparency effects in real time;
- rotating, moving and resizing each object in the scene in real time;
- image formats for textures: BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, ICO, TIFF, TGA, PCX, WBMP, WMF, EMF, J2K, JP2, JBG, J2C, JPC, PGX, PNM, PGM, PPM, RAS;
- saving the final image in the formats: PNG, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, BMP, TGA, JP2, JPC, RAS, PNM;
- dynamic lights, soft shadows and the reflection of the whole scene in real time;
- changing the background color, setting transparency for the background;
- high-quality rendering with the resolution up to 3000x3000 pixels;
- rotating and repositioning the camera and the camera target in real time.

Keywords: cover Expert, professional cover software, cover, virtual cover, cover maker, 3d cover maker, cover sownload, boxshot, boxshot maker, create product box, CD cover creator, deluxeray, free virual cover maker, free, 3d box, 3d boxshot, create 3d images
