WWW File Share is a software that can help you share files with your friends. What you need to do is to specify the path which contains files you want to share (for example: "d:\" or "e:\mp3\") and the port number to start the share service. Then press "Start" button, a service will start on your computer and your computer becomes a server (you may stop this service at anytime). Then your friends can visit your computer and download files via browser (IE/Netscape/Opera/etc.). They will not be required to install this software or any other software because an internet browser is enough. Now it supports plugin. You may download plugins on our website or write plugins by yourself. This software has no backdoor, no spyware, no malware, and no pop-up, just freeware.

Keywords: file share, WWW File Share, file share software, file sharing, disk share

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