AMC Screen Saver Construction Set will build distributable multimedia Windows screen savers of your family, your corporate logo, advertisements for your products, desktop themes or your most inventive fantasies. You can assemble screen savers with your choice of pictures, sounds and text. Easily import your graphics in the most popular formats, including JPG, PCX, TGA, BMP and PNG, and add sounds from WAV and MIDI files. AMC Screen Saver Construction Set comes with ANIMAL, a powerful and easy-to-master applet programming capability that is fast, flexible and easy to use. You can password-protect your screen savers to keep your work safe, create professional Windows installers and distribute your screen savers with no run-times or DLLs to lose. Extensive documentation will get you up to speed quickly. We invite you to download a fully-functional evaluation copy and try it out. Design screen savers to display just about anything you can imagine.

Keywords: screen savers, tool, construct, build, make, create, design, distribute, multimedia, screensavers, graphics, animation, sound, images, pictures, windows, installers, graphic, screen saver, alchemy, mindworks, rimmer

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