Premium Clock includes a fantastic new visual style, nearly a fifty high quality skins, analog clock, digital clock, customized desktop, calendar, and more!
Premium Clock is a revolutionary program that lets you enhance your Windows desktop by adding clocks, wallpapers, and much more to it. This new look is part of a skin, which is intended to both unify and clear up your desktop. You can switch skins, customize a desktop, or revert to the Windows Classic wallpaper.
Premium Clock works on all Windows systems from Windows 2000 to Windows 7.
Once you start using Premium Clock, you'll know exactly what time it is. Analog clock, digital clock and calendar can stay always on top or disappear when you move the mouse cursor over it.

Keywords: clock software, skin clock, skinable clock, clock skins, alarms, alarm manager, analog clock, digital clock, tray clock, nice clock, clock for desktop

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