SMTP Server Pro is a powerful easy-to-use SMTP POP3 mail server program designed for satisfying the requirements of huge organization in high-volume messaging. It is simple, light-weight and reliable; it has security features to prevent DDoS attacks and block SPAM. It can be installed on several computers in different custom forms what lets you keep the common message queue; user mailboxes and the other components on separate dedicated PCs. The user interface of the program can be installed separately from the SMTP and POP3 services. This will give you an ability to manage all your servers from a single PC as well as make your servers working in the logoff mode. For software debugging and testing purposes, the testing mode is available. Using this mode you can check your email clients and other corporate software that relies on email messaging. As a personal solution, it is ideal for laptop PC users who travel a lot and have to use different Internet Service Providers (ISP) on the run. Using the program, you will never encounter a sending problem wherever you connect your PC to a network or phone socket.

Keywords: server, smtp, pop, internet, service, providers, performance, mail, email, servers, enterprise, deliver, security, ddos, block, attacks, travel

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