Fast Mail Server is robust and secure mail server program. We have completely redesigned internal engine of the server and made every possible effort to make it as fast and secure as possible. This way you will be able to concentrate on your day to day tasks instead of trying to tweak your mail server. Any mail client like Outlook, Netscape Mail or Eudora can be used to send email using this server. You can have multiple SMTP gateways in your server if you travel a lot with your laptop. This way, even if you cannot deliver your email directly to the destination, you will be able to still send it using one of the gateways. One of the new features we have recently added provides for mailing list management. This is not present in any of the other SMTP servers. Using this feature you can actually use this server as a mass mailer. You can create as many parameterized mailing lists as you like

Keywords: server, smtp, pop, internet, service, providers, performance, mail, email, servers, enterprise, deliver, security, ddos, travel

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