If you have a successful web-based business, you have a lot of customers you need to communicate with. Whether you are notifying them of new products, sending newsletters, or simply delivering an email message such as greeting, mailing lists offer a quick and easy way of communicating. Best Mass Mailer is the best mass mailer you can use for sending emails utilizing your mailing lists. It provides everything you need for managing mailing lists, creating email messages and sending them over the Internet. You can maintain a number of separate mailing lists for different audiences and needs. Message templates can be used to personalize your email messages. Program's database lets you store and use email addresses, names of your customers and up to 7 custom fields that may contain a various information about your customers. The search, sort and remove duplicates functions are also available in the program.

Keywords: mailing, lists, email, sending, customers, them, program, need, messages, message, mass, mailer, best

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