The RTF to HTML .Net is 100% C# .Net control to convert RTF to plan HTML 3.2, 4.01 with CSS, HTML 5, RTF to XHTML with CSS, RTF to Text and Text to HTML.
General Functions
Our component is just a class library for developers, but with powerfull abilities of exporting any RTF (rich text format) and Text document to HTML, XHTML with CSS.
It supports converting of RTF to HTML with:
* Full text formatting (bold, italic, underline, strike, superscript, subscript, alignment
* images in WMF, JPG, PNG, BMP, EMF
* tables and nested tables, borders colors and type
* Font colors, face, size
* Hyperlinks and ancors
* Full Unicode support
* Special characters
Requirements and compatibility
* .Net platform (1.1 or higher), because it's 100% managed C# library
* Works even in Medium Trust level
* 32-bit and 64-bit compatible
* Compatible with Windows XP/Vista/2003 server/2008 server/7
Windows compatibility
* Even in Linux and Mac, thanks to Mono platform
Typical applications where our component can be used
* Conversion of RTF (rich text format) from database to HTML purposely display it in ASP.Net page
* Import RTF content into your HTML website.
* Extract text from RTF documents
* Create viewers for RTF based documents
* Create HTML email with embedded images from RTF
Download the latest version:
What you can adjust in conversion using DLL properties:
* Specify output format: HTML 3.2, HTML 4.01, HTML 5, XHTML, Text
* Where to link images to phisycal file on HDD or inside HTML document
* Converting with CSS or without CSS
* Save CSS between tags <style>...</style> or as inline styles <tag style="...">
* Specify encoding of output HTML
* Title and set up converting only part of HTML between <body>...</body> tags
* Set united font, size and color for document

Keywords: rtf to html, text to html, converter, dll, php, asp.Net, component, rtf to converter, html, html converter, server, html, component

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