The Day View .Net Component is a list of items or appointments for a day which is like the Microsoft Outlook Day View displayed in the calendar.
The Day View .Net Component allows the programmer to add, move and remove items, and define their appearance. Each item may have a title bar and icon, to differentiate between types of appointment. The appointments may dragged and stretched using the user interface.
The DayView .Net Component provides numerous events to detect what changes are being performed by the user. The DayView will also fire an event when a start time or end time is equal to the current system time, as a reminder. The help file is available for download. Purchasing the DayView .Net Component will entitle you to recieve all updates produced for the DayView .Net Component.

Keywords: activex, ocx, april16, dayview, netconnect, timer, timers, news, visual, basic, component, toolbox, free, download, product, dayview, appointment, schedule, diary, list, icon, calender, daily, ipcombobox, combobox, netipcombobox, combo, .net, >net, .net component, >net comp

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