Ascendis Caller ID works with your telephone company's caller id service to track and announce phone calls and block annoying telemarketers! Each caller can be announced with a variety of pop-up window options, pre-recorded sounds, and/or text-to-speech, and can trigger email, a hang up, or the program of your choice. Advanced scripts provide even more control. Track outgoing calls and call duration with Whozz Calling? devices. Track incoming and outgoing Skype calls.
Benefits: tracks callers for legal, convenience, or historical purposes; announces callers so you can decide whether to answer the phone without getting up; blocks known callers you specify or all unknown callers; shares modem with other TAPI programs; provides caller information to other computers on your local network or the internet; lets you access caller information from a web browser or TiVo Series 2 device; displays phone numbers in local format for many countries (and is customizable for the rest).
Supports importing contacts from other programs by way of CSV (comma-separated value) files. Supports exporting calls, contacts and actions as CSV, HTML, and text files. Can pop up caller in Outlook.

Keywords: caller id, speak, speech, talking, block, program, customize, automate, telephone, modem, TAPI, Whozz Calling, Skype

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