Audio File Format Batch Converter:
- Supports a very wide range of audio file formats (reads from ~90 and writes to ~60 formats).
- A simple 3-step interface for quick and easy conversions - handle a thousand files as easily as one!
- File size is limited only by disk space and the design limits of the file formats.
- Converts anything from low-rate speech up to 24/96 multi-channel audio and beyond.
- Several optional 'dithering techniques' are availablev that improves the perceived sound quality when decreasing the sample bit-depth.
- Extremely high quality sample rate conversion (resampling) with up to 144dB S/N-ratio.
- Optional audio processing using VST or DX plug-ins as well as several built in functions.
- Normalization support including Replay Gain, ITU BS 1770 and EBU R 128 algorithms for psycho-acoustically adjusted volume.
- Direct Stream Copy support for several types of raw audio data - providing both a speed advantage, and allowing addition of meta data (including volume normalization) withouth having to recompress already compressed audio
- Handles many types of text meta-data (a.k.a. text tags, APE-tags, ID3v2 et c.) - with full Unicode support.
- And much more!
- Bonus features: You can also use record new audio clips, or rip tracks from Audio CD's.

Keywords: audio, sound, converter, file, format, batch, processor

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