Click Clock is a clock, calendar, weather, and astronomy program. It shows your local temperature in the tray. It also shows local weather, animated weather radar, animated satellite images, date and time of sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset, equinoxes & solstices, moon phases, eclipses, meteor showers, daylight saving time, and 27 holidays. It shows the location of the sun, moon, and all of the planets. It can display this information for any day from the year 1600 to 3429. It also has links to maps, aerial photos, topographic maps, dictionary, thesaurus, images of the moon, meteor info, and a calculator. It displays a picture of the current moon phase in the program, on the task bar, in the tray, and in the window icons. Just click on a day in the calendar and all of the info for that day are calculated and displayed. The images of the moon can be animated to show the changing phases. Even the tray icon can be animated. It presents positions in the sky as a simple compass position and angle up from the horizon. There is a clock and calendar for one month, and a calendar showing the entire year for any year. By double-clicking on the program you can change its size and appearance, hence the name ClickClock. The clock can automatically synchronize the computer clock with any atomic clock time server on the internet. All of the event times, such as sunrise and sunset, are accurate to within 1 minute of values published on the US Naval Observatory web site. Click Clock is unique in that the calculation of rise and set times takes into account your altitude above sea level which can change these times by several minutes. Unique graph of sunrise and set times for the entire year. This is a 32 bit program and will run on Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, and Vista.
This trial version will operate for 14 days. Click Clock is just $20.00 (Twenty US Dollars). Pay once and all future upgrades are free. It is fully functional, no features removed, no spyware, no advertising.

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Keywords: weather, clock, calendar, radar, satellite, temperature, astronomy, map, moon, phase, sun, sunrise, moonrise, planet, eclipse, equinox, solstice, meteor, dictionary, thesaurus, calculator, holiday, telescope, science, scientific, animated, utility

Click Clock 2.9.8 screenshot

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Click Clock 2.9.8


Michael Robinson     Other programs by Michael Robinson






$20.00 US

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Operating Systems:

Windows XP

Release Status:

update (2012-09-15)

Recent Changes:

Multi-thread, more satellite views

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