PlunkIt! is the cross-platform private file-transfer utility for your office. Instantly send files or folders to any user on your network.
PlunkIt! uses peer-to-peer technology and does not rely on Internet servers to transfer files within your local network. This makes PlunkIt! a very fast in-house file-transfer system that complements your Internet email. All of your transfers can be conducted without fear of accidentally sending data out of your company.
In addition, there is no viruses and no non-company file transfers. You can be sure that everything in PlunkIt! is company business. PlunkIt! also connects remote offices securely across the Internet, creating a "virtual LAN."
PlunkIt! is plug and play software. It installs in a minute and is immediately usable. PlunkIt! configures itself and finds other users on the network without system administration.
PlunkIt! features include:
* Seamlessly send files between Windows and Macintosh computers.
* Send files with a simple drag and drop on user names. Names window is hidden off of edge of the screen, so it doesn't get in the way of your normal workflow. Simply drag onto exposed edge and then drop file/folder on the receiver's name.
* Receive notification in the Log when your file arrives
* Control color and style of main window, including transparency and hiding location
* Choose how you will be notified of file arrival with optional sounds, flashing windows, icon bouncing, and alert boxes

Keywords: fille-transfer, cross-platform, peer-to-peer, private, LAN, fast, in-house, file transfer, cross platform, simple, easy, quick, secure

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