For most Internet users, communication with their family, friends and general public via email or IMs is the one of the major tasks they attend to daily. As technologies evolve, more and more sophisticated applications hit the market, but the core remains the same. We still type our messages. Text can be very informative, but when it comes to expressing emotions, text messages start lacking something. The Messenger Icons for Vista is here to change this situation! The set delivers a number of rich-colored icons for email and instant-messaging software (like ICQ or Yahoo Messenger). This collection focuses on communications and contains corresponding icons and smileys. Apart from being an excellent choice for regular Internet users, Messenger Icons for Vista may be the choice of professionals building their own applications. These icons will come handy for creating first-class toolbars that will literally magnetize users with their vivid colors and visual depth at the same time.
The creators of Messenger Icons for Vista have spent many an hour working on the product that was intended for the most meticulous clients. The level of detail and the exquisite look of each icon reflect the desire of the developers to provide their customers with a single option of immediately integrating the icons into the application or start using them right away. The set has been created in the Windows Vista style, which makes it immediately ready to be used for next generation of Vista-ready applications. The icons come with and without shadow for different types of interfaces and are available in the following formats: BMP, ICO, PNG and GIF in sizes of 16x16,24x24, 32x32, 48x48 and 256x256 pixels in 256 colors and 32-bit True Color.
Let your competitors envy you, smile to your friends with a brand new e-smile and rest assured that the interfaces of your projects are safe with these icons and the team of professionals who do not simply design icons, but do it the way you want!

Keywords: icon, interface, set, Vista, creative, images, iconic, messenger icons, email

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