HandyFile Find and Replace: Office Edition by SilverAge Software can quickly search and replace text in as many Microsoft Office files as you want.
This program with comprehensive and clear user interface will save you a lot of time that you spend daily for updating your files.
It can handle most commonly used file formats: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint files as well as plain text files (for example: HTML, sources, etc.)
This can be a unified text processing solution for your company that you and your colleagues will use daily.
It supports exporting, importing and sharing configurations and search scenarios.
Text browsing capability allows you to quickly view the text search (and/or replace) results.
Command line support enables you with batch processing options. It works really fast, even with MS Office files and supports custom back-up and target folders.
Diverse file filters, search attributes, regular expressions with extended syntax give you full control over processing text. Visit silveragesoftware.com for updates.

Keywords: search, find, replace, microsoft office, microsoft word, microsoft excel, docx, xlsx, rtf, tool

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