Now you can sound evil.
This free voice add-on gives MorphVOX Voice Changer, seven new sinister Fantasy voices including: Lich, Wraith, Goblin, or Cave Troll. From the makers of MorphVOX voice changing software, Creatures of Darkness is meant to enhance role-play in online games.
Whether you like to role-play on the dark side or just like to sound scary, this voice pack will modify your voice in amazing ways.
The add-on contains the following voices: Cave Troll, Goblin, Golem, Half-Orc, Lich Lord, Shade, Wraith.
Note: This add-on requires the full version of MorphVOX Voice Change Software 2.8.1 or above.

Keywords: Evil, Creatures, Voice, Change, Changer, Changing, Software, Games, Chat, voip, teamspeak, skype, messenger, online, talk

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