There are many diet software programs for counting calories or for exercise software but Biggly is specifically built for BODYBUILDING.
Workouts are covered in detail yet the software is very easy to use, with most things taking only a single click. Your total workout and individual exercises are graphed for strength and volume, the system calculates how much weight you need on the bar and records rest periods, negative reps etc.
Choose from the list of exercises; add your own exercises, schedule workouts in advance, calculate calories burnt etc
Your physique is monitored and instantly graphed in detail, meaning you can quickly spot if you?re over-training, which supplements actually work for you (and which ones are a waste of money!).
Nutrition is covered with food-group ratios, protein requirements and total calories, for cutting, bulking or maintenance. Large database or add your own food, per serving or per 100 grams etc. Vitamins and minerals are graphed automatically.
Cardio is covered including HITT, aerobic, anaerobic, FBZ, calories burnt, speed, lap times and graphed, plus a special fitness monitoring system.
The Biggly demo is fully functional. When you register you get a key to prevent it locking, meaning you don?t lose your data. Download today!
Biggly diet software includes your score on the famous Biggly Body Index!

Keywords: diet, calorie counter, calorie counting, bodybuilding, nutrition, exercise, fitness, workout, Biggly

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