Curious when are you needed the most to answer your e-mails? Need to extract senders email addresses?
That is where Topalt Reports helps you - create Outlook report to find that out.
Create email amount report to count emails received during certain time (hours, days, weeks, months).
Create sender report to extract all email addresses that you have received emails from.
And it's FREE!
Main Benefits
Easy to use for beginners, powerful for advanced users.
Extracts sender email addresses.
Can export report to CSV file.
Generates email amount, bandwidth, sender, recipient reports.
Generates reports by hour, day, day of week, month.
Can apply date filter.
Works with latest Outlook 2013 and older Outlook 2010, 2007 and 2003 (both 32 and 64 bit versions).

Keywords: outlook, report, extract email, amount, generate
