Enable your employees call each other for free with OfficeSIP Server.
Multi-office and trans-national corporations pay thousands of dollars for long-distance calls every month even after considerate savings made possible with IP telephony. Voice over IP is great for saving money on long-distance calls, so why not to make the next step? Enable employees call each other for absolutely free no matter where they are in the world!
With OfficeSIP Server you?ll be able to use regular telephones, including wireless handsets or headsets, and will never pay a penny for long-distance calls.
PC-to-PC calls were always a great way to save. Free calling between computers is fully supported by OfficeSIP Server. To make it simple, install OfficeSIP Server, run free Windows Messenger and start talking! OfficeSIP Server enables voice calling in Windows Messenger, X-Lite and similar software-based open protocol SIP clients. OfficeSIP Server is designed for IM, enabling VoIP
communications in SIP-compliant software and hardware clients.
Don?t like using computers for taking? Training employees costs more than anticipated savings? No need to change the workflow in your office! OfficeSIP Server allows using regular telephones for intra-office and inter-office calling without paying. Being a fully compliant, open-protocol SIP product OfficeSIP Server enables free VoIP communication between remote locations with no computers. Connect your wired or wireless office phones, handsets or headsets to inexpensive SIP devices and communicate for absolutely free in a convenient and customary manner!
OfficeSIP Server is designed for modern offices and runs on any Windows PC. No crippled command line and no config files to fine-tune. Install and configure OfficeSIP Server from within the comvenient graphical user interface. OfficeSIP Server requires minimum configuration and zero maintenance. Install OfficeSIP Server and start saving immediately!

Keywords: SIP, server, VoIP, instant messaging, voice conversation, whiteboard, application sharing

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