A humanistic Sudoku solver that explains the logic required to solve the puzzle. It will create an effectively unlimited number of graded puzzles that will keep you entertained for hours. It can act as an assistant, by removing the tedium and error-prone updating of pencil marks, whilst leaving the fun of spotting the logic and patterns. Or, it can quickly solve the puzzles completely automatically and provides a log of the logic behind the placement of each and every number. It has a whole host of other features, including highlighting or preventing invalid numbers, cut and paste puzzles, counting the number of solutions and showing them all, selective enabling/disabling solving techniques, and plenty more.

Keywords: sudoku, su doku, soduko, number place, creator, create, generate, generator, set, setter, humanistic, solver, solve, assistant, help, helper, puzzle, game, hint, tip, how to, technique, resolve, answer, advanced

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